Apple Cinnamon Cookies: Ingredients: 2-3 large granny smith apples (enough to yield 2-2.5 cups of diced apples) 2.5-3 cups flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup white sugar 2 sticks (1 cup) butter 1 tablespoon cinnamon 2 eggs Core, peel, and dice the apples. Size is not critical, although I'd keep the pieces relatively small - keep in mind they will shrink when cooked. Set these aside for later, you can sprinkle with lemon juice if you're concerned about them browning, but it's not really necessary. You should get about 2-2.5 cups diced. Adjust amount to taste. Keep in mind, the more apples you add, the moister the dough will be. (see below) Cream the butter and sugar. I generally get the butter+sugar very fluffy. Add the sifted dry ingredients (I personally only sift the flour and add the ingredients independently. I add them in order from the smallest to largest, generally while mixing to get them evenly distributed) The dough should be fairly moist, so don't overdo the flour. Turn out onto cookie sheets in drops about 1" around. Be sure and leave plenty of room around each cookie. I get around 10-12 cookies per sheet, but I tend to make them large. Bake for approximately 10 minutes in a 350 degree oven. They should be removed when the cookies turn a nice shade of brown on the top. If in doubt undercook - after removing the cookies, cut one in half - if a small layer in the middle of the cookie looked really undercooked, you've got them cooked just right. Yields a 30-50 cookies depending on how large you make them.